I am excited to say that the word has started to spread. Slowly but its spreading and I need your help. Please share this blog, my story or the want for brave women to share their stories of postpartum depression for my project.
I have to give big Props to Stephanie M. for using her network of resources to help spread the word.
I have received some correspondence and have to say that I am more inspired to do this then ever. Thank you to all or have submitted so far.
Through all of this I have also read many blogs and websites and am so thrilled that so many people are on the crusade to broaden the awareness and offer support for women. Had I only knew how much their was out their 10 months ago. Now I know and will pass on any information I have to others in the future.
The one thing I still am stuck on is the idea of self publishing. I have gotten many avenues to explore but having never done this before I feel like I am at a crossroads. I am still researching all of the possibilities and believe it will all work out in the end. However, if you have any insights or experiences on self publishing please let me know.
Spread the word. PPD is real and we need make it prominent in the eyes of everyone so that sufferers have many resources to get help and others don't ignore that it exists.